My First Greek Week

If you are a student on Ohio Northern University’s campus, you are more than likely aware that two weeks ago was the week all non-Greek students dread: Greek Week. Being a freshman and a new member of my sorority, this was obviously my first time experiencing the rush of it all. It was one of the busiest, but most fun, weeks of my freshman year so far. The theme this year was Disney movies, and Alpha Xi Delta decided on “The Little Mermaid” for our chapter’s theme. I made it a point to attend every event I could throughout the week, which I succeeded at, because I was determined to take as many pictures and videos I could. My position in Alpha Xi Delta is the photography chair, so I felt like I needed to support all my sisters, even if I wasn’t in the event. I ended up creating a short video to summarize all my chapter accomplished over the course of the week, which you I will include at the end for you to watch.

The first day of Greek Week was probably my favorite day, which was Greek Sing. This is an event where every sorority
and fraternity who chooses to participate can come up with a short performance based on their movie of choice. It was hilarious to watch all the fraternities attempt to dance and sing in unison, and each sorority’s performance was well done. I participated in our show, in the easy dance because I have no dance moves, but I don’t remember most of it since I was nervous. After all the performances were finished, the judges voted on two categories on awards: Greek gods/goddesses and overall performance. We ended up winning first for our Greek goddesses, which are the main characters we feature in our show. For overall performance, we tied for second with Delta Zeta, which was exciting for us. We started off Greek Week on a positive note and were ready to compete in all the events to come.

The next day was trivia, which wasn’t too exciting since trivia doesn’t require much action, and we ended up in last
anyways. Wednesday was kickball, which was one of the more exciting days of the week. We played the girls in Kappa Alpha Theta first, and in a close game, ended up winning to move on to the final game. We then watched Delta Zeta and Zeta play each other to find out who we would be playing for the first place spot, which ended up being Delta Zeta. The following game was Theta versus Zeta for the third and fourth place positions. After the game was done, it was our turn to play again, this time with much higher stakes. The game started off slow with us behind four points, but in one inning we managed to make up the deficit. We ended up winning kickball, which put us in first overall.

The day after kickball was another event I participated in, which was volleyball. We played Zeta first and beat them in two games, with Delta Zeta and Theta following that resulted in a Theta victory. Delta Zeta and Zeta played to three games, with a result I do not remember. After was another championship game for Alpha Xi, which was a long and intense game we ultimately lost after three games. Although we lost, we still fought hard until the end and it was one of the best games of volleyball I have ever played, but next year we are going back to take first place. 

Friday meant mud tug and the mile relay, which was not a great day for us. Although our performance was not the best, this was the day that had the perfect weather for the events during the day. We lost to Delta Zeta in the first round of mud tug, but ended up taking third after beating Zeta. Directly following mud tug, we moved to the tundra to watch the mile relay, which we took a last place finish in at the end. We moved down the leaderboard after this day, but we were ready for Greek Olympics the following day.

Greek Olympics started off rainy and cold, which put a bit of a damper on everyone’s moods, but every chapter was
still ready to compete. I am not going to rattle off every result of the day because I honestly don’t remember, but it was a day filled with action left and right. There was pyramid, six-legged race, pizza eating contest, egg toss and ultimate relay, with the chariot race being cancelled because of the weather. I lost my voice by the end of the day because of all the cheering I was doing for my sisters in an attempt to remain positive despite any negative results we were getting. This day made me excited for future Olympics to come because I know how much better it will be when the weather turns out better.

In the end, we took third place with Theta getting first, Delta Zeta getting second and Zeta getting fourth place. Although it wasn’t first, we were all content with the results and were happy to see the girls in the other chapters who won. Greek life at Ohio Northern is a special thing because everyone is so supportive of each other, despite any competition. I cannot wait for the Greek Weeks to come in the next three years and am hopeful for some more victories in the events we partake in. Like I said in the beginning, if you are interested in watching my brief summary of Alpha Xi’s week competing, feel free to watch the video below!


  1. I am so happy you had a good first greek week! I have never participated in a greek week, obviously but I do fall into that *dreading* category. Being an outsider is SO different than being an actual greek member. I think this is a great way to bring together ALL our greek chapters and have them compete in a healthy competition. Since we are so small with out number of chapters, we are fortunate enough to do something like this. Glad to see you growing and getting so comfortable during your freshman year little one :)

  2. Yay Greek Week!!! I didn't get to participate much this year, being involved in the musical, but I love Greek Sing and I love being able to watch all the sororities. I really enjoyed Alpha Xi's performance and Logan (your Ariel) is one of my very good friends, so I was happy to see her win goddess! I was also happy to see you participated! I'm glad you had a great first Greek Week. Enjoy these moments!


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