The End of an Era

After a grueling semester of blogging three times a week, besides the week I missed about a month ago (sorry Aggie), I have reached the light at the end of the tunnel. I have considered starting a blog multiple times before, but never committed to it until being forced into starting one this semester. When I came into public relations, I always knew it would be a decent amount of writing, but I never imagined the amount I ended up writing in a semester. Besides being in the Social Media Principles class, I was also in Aggie’s Public Relations Writing class, which literally has the word “writing” in the name. So, you could say I was setting myself up to write more than I ever have before this. Although I have talked about how much I hated taking two Aggie classes in one semester, I am thankful I did because of all it taught me.

Being forced to write about myself multiple times a week and attempting to pick subjects I found intriguing were the hardest part of the whole process. I kept running out of things to write about that meant something to me because I felt if I wasn’t writing about something of importance to me, there was no point in writing. I found myself searching for things I was doing and thinking about in everyday life in an attempt to find a topic. Although there were topics I could have written about to make my life easier, I decided to challenge myself and the way I wrote in an attempt to go a different route with my writing. I found myself revealing things in my blogs I would have never imagined I would be sharing so publicly with the world. The most challenging blog for me to write was the one where I talked about my transition to college and the adjustments I have made since I came to Ohio Northern. I had a hard time at the beginning of second semester and somehow found a way to let it out by writing about it on my blog. People have always told me writing things can make you feel better, but I never actually tried it to see if they were right. I have always believed in talking about things to make me feel better about them, so writing didn’t seem as appealing as the physical act of talking. Although it is a different feeling, it really does help me to release everything I am thinking about and get it on a page so I can read it over and over again. 

I know how weird it sounds that I learned about myself through this class, but it truly challenged me in ways I would have never imagined. I have always known I was a decent writer, but because of this class and having to write about a variety of subjects, I have seen myself grow into a great writer. The one thing I did have a problem with, though, was when I had to write about something I didn’t necessarily care about. I have learned to love writing, but only when it is about a topic I am passionate about in my life. I think this class also taught me all the possibilities I have in my career, and careers I maybe shouldn’t venture into in the future. I am hoping to continue blogging as frequently as I can over the summer and turn it into a habit, but I have to do interesting things with my life first. For now, I want to thank my classmates, and parents, for reading my blogs that often went on forever. A specific shoutout to Morgan, I would not have survived these classes without her and I am so glad I had the chance to bond with her over complaining this semester. I also want to thank Aggie for all she has done for me this semester. I have never learned so much from a person in such a short amount of time and look forward to another semester of two Aggie classes in a day! 


  1. Erin Lane I love you so much! I do not envy that you are taking another 2 Aggie classes in one semester, but I look forward to seeing ya in advanced PR writing to complain and bond over stupid stuff some more ;) Also, I will keep reading your blogs because I don't have to write them anymore but I think you do so as long as one is about me every so often I will support you!!!! See you May 3rd for the speaker and vivas, I'll text you!

  2. ERINNNN! I told you not to take two... just kidding Aggie classes rock. These classes that we are taking in our PR major are really shaping the people that we will become in the future. I think it is great that you have identified what you have learned about yourself from this class (and I hope all of the other). Keep blogging I would read it! You rock!

  3. Erin,

    Isn't just glorious we get to blog again! I completely understand where you are coming from. I also thought a blog would be an interesting thing to do before being forced into it by Aggie. I personally feel we all wish to tell people our stories. At least, I know I do. I think blogs or writing in general allows us to do so without the fear of embarrassment. This experience has taught me much as well.



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