PRSSA Firm Trip to Nashville

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to travel to Nashville, Tennessee, with Ohio Northern PRSSA. Each spring, members of the society take a firm trip to a major city in the United States in an attempt to network with the major businesses located there. My PRSSA advisors, Aggie and Kathy, make sure to book a visit with at least one business in the different branches of PR. For this trip, we took tours of Weber Shandwick, MP&F Public Relations, Nashville Symphony, DVL/Finn Partners, CMT and the Nashville Predators.
By visiting these places, we saw PR for agencies, nonprofit, entertainment and sports. As a freshman PR major, I barely know anything about the PR industry, so visiting different firms gave me direct insight on how the PR world is constructed. Each visit was unique, and the more places we visited, the more I knew I was learning. Although we saw multiple agencies, they were different from the last and each one had its own culture and way of doing things. Honestly, it made me realize agency life isn’t for me, but according to Kathy and Aggie, I’m not allowed to count it out until I try it. I guess I might actually have to listen to them this time. One thing I was disappointed about was we didn’t get the chance to visit a travel/tourism firm because the timing did not work out. Although I understand we aren’t going to make it to every single type of industry, that is one I am especially interested in learning more about, but I anticipate I will see one in the future. Something I was rather surprised by was I actually enjoyed the Nashville Predators, which is the NHL team based in the city. I never thought I would be one to go into the sports industry, but after talking to the Directors of Communication and PR, it is something I am considering now. 

Despite the purpose of these firm trips is to get us connected to different companies for possible internships in the future, my favorite part are the people. Through PRSSA, I have met some of my favorite people at ONU so far. Although I was scared of all of them in the beginning of the year, I have learned they are there to be not only my mentors, but also my friends. They make me feel welcome to be myself and share all of my ideas, and there are some bad ones.
Being a rookie at PR, I have found myself worried to speak up with questions or concerns, but they are all open to answer them and give me advice, usually with some teasing along the way. This includes not only my fellow students, but also Kathy and Aggie. The moment I met the two of them, I knew I had to come to ONU and I can attribute all of my success thus far to them. It is a unique group that pushes my boundaries, but also somehow keeps me sane. As a group. we always find ways to do something fun, and Nashville was no exception. Even though we didn’t have much time for exploring the city, or even relaxing in the hotel, we squeezed it in somehow, usually by going out to eat. That is what I love most about this group: yes, they are there for me to help me do my work and find my path, but they are also there to have some fun with me along the way.

I look forward to these events and trips because of the balance of work and play with some of my favorite people. Every opportunity I get, I will gladly take the trip to any city in the United States if it means I will learn as much as I have in the past in regards to PR.


  1. I loved Nashville. This was also my first Firm trip and it was such a blast! PRSSA has honestly changed my life personally and professionally and I love seeing you, so young, getting involved! You and I got to experience live tweeting at one of the companies we went to and through that, made an awesome connection with Natalie from the Preds. I would've LOVED to see a travel agency (didn't know that was like a real thing). I also agree that the best part of these trips is going with the people in PRSSA. Can't wait to go on my trips with you :)

  2. Erin,
    It sounds like the trip was a really fun and rewarding experience. I used to go to similar conferences for DECA, a professional business club. They were very rewarding because they taught me how to network with people as well as how to interview for positions. As a graduating senior these skills have carried me through college and job interviews over my college career. I wouldn't trade the experience for the world based on the skills and connections that I obtained at these conferences. I'm hope you feel the same about your trip to Nashville.

  3. Nashville is one of my favorite places! My family and I have gone so many times, it's a great city. I wish I could've gone on the firm trip, but I'm glad I can read this post and feel like I didn't miss out. I mean I did miss out because I wasn't actually there, but your descriptions were helpful for people who weren't there. I also feel like I don't know much about the PR industry, even though I'm a PR minor rather than a major. Hopefully next year I get the opportunity to be a part of the firm trip through PRSSA and learn more.


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