A Packed Semester

I think the best part of my blog is I write for it as if it’s my diary; I enjoy sharing things going on in my personal life because it gives me a place to organize everything I think about on a daily basis. So, because of this, I have decided to write about the semester I have ahead of me. Even though I am already a month until school, I already have things planned from now until Thanksgiving break. Half of this is because I am involved in a few organizations on campus and the other half is because I can’t sit still and do nothing forever. My goal coming into my second year of college was to keep myself busy and stay on top of everything I am supposed to do. Otherwise, I would be doing exactly what my dad hates: watching Netflix and YouTube videos all day.

Besides the six classes I am taking this semester, I decided to get a small job for a little extra money in my pocket. I am working at the costume shop in the theatre department here because I was required to work there last semester and enjoyed it so much, I decided to come back. I also seem to have meetings every day, some for my public relations organizations, some for my sorority and others for random things such as volleyball and book club. Most of my meetings in the past week, though, I can thank Alpha Xi for because I hold the Assistant New Member Orientation Director position. This means I help the new members get adjusted to being in a sorority, as well as educating them on the sorority’s history. I also have to attend all of their new member events, which is fun for me since I was in their shoes just one year ago. I am not usually in my room until around dinner every night, and a lot of the days I have to leave after dinner as well. My schedule is a different pace than last semester’s schedule and has led me to be more productive.

As far as my weekends go, starting this weekend, they are packed with all sorts of events, which range from Alpha Xi socials to a wedding! Starting this Saturday, I am driving to Toledo to stay at Felicia’s house with Marie for a wine crushing with her family. Felicia’s family is very Italian and they all love wine, so they make their own every year, and this year I get to be a part of it. Next weekend is Alpha Xi’s first social of the year, which is Olympic games with the fraternity Sigma Phi Epsilon. I am excited for this day because I know a good amount of the members of Sig Ep, so it should be a fun day, especially if my team wins. The week after, I leave for Austin, Texas, to attend the PRSSA National Conference. Last year, the conference was in Boston, Massachusetts, and was one of my favorite weekends out of the whole year, so you could say I am excited for this year.

Once I return from Austin, the next weekend is thankfully more relaxing, with just an Alpha Xi sisterhood event at a corn maze. I kick it back into gear the weekend of October 19, because I am going home for the weekend for a volleyball tournament at Wright State University. Since the tournament is so close to my house, I decided to take advantage and visit my parents along with some friends who go to University of Dayton. The next weekend calls for the most exciting event of the month: Felicia’s sister’s wedding! Since I have gotten so close with Felicia and her family, her sister, Jessy, decided to extend the invitation to me, which I did not expect. I love weddings and going to one with my best friend and her family should be a great night! Thankfully, I am staying on campus the next weekend helping the new members prepare for their initiation. The same weekend, my club volleyball team is hosting a tournament at Ohio Northern, which is already full so it should be successful. The last weekend before Thanksgiving break, I am traveling to Columbus for yet another tournament at Ohio State University, as well as visiting my best friend from home.

After all of the hectic weekends in a row, I finally get a relaxing week at home for Thanksgiving break, which knowing me, will not be as relaxing as I think. Even though I am a lazy person, I truly do feel better about myself when I am always on the go. It keeps me moving and on top of things, while entertaining me since I get bored so easily. I am planning on keeping it laid back after Thanksgiving until Christmas break because I know I will need a break after all the craziness. I am optimistic about the upcoming semester, much more than I was at this time last year, and I have a feeling this year holds even more for me!


  1. This is an overwhelming list, but how exciting! All of those things sound so fun, unique and great experiences! Life can get crazy, but I am not sure if we would have it any other way - it is all worth it! I hope you enjoy your semester!

  2. How busy you are! I feel blessed for all of the opportunities I have had as well.


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